Tuesday, January 20, 2009

We pray for our new President

What a day it has been! The excitement is permeable in 0ur home as we watch the newly sworn in President Obama leave the inauguration ceremony. What a journey this past election was.
I started out as a Mitt Romney supporter. I have to admit that because I am LDS I supported him because I believe he's a good man with solid, righteous values. When he didn't win the Republican ticket I was troubled. I didn't want to support McCain because I got the impression that he was a good ol' rich boy with an agenda that was not my own.
I then studied each candidate. I read books and researched history on each one. I was most impressed with Barak Obama's history as well as his wife Michelle. They came from humble circumstances and embody that American dream of struggle and service and success. I liked that. So I decided to support him.
Boy what a rucus that caused in my family and in my group of friends. My own husband and I would get into heated discussions over who was the better candidate McCain or Obama. Yet one thing I love about Justin....he considers the "other" side. Although he felt a military obligation to vote for McCain, his personal beliefs and morals compelled him to vote Obama this election.
Now on this new day of hope for our nation, me and my family fully support our new president and his family. We will pray for him. We will pray for our miiltary. We will do our part to help him succeed in office.
I am profoundly grateful that Justin and I were on the right side of history when it happened. And it's been a wonderful experience to share it with our children. I can't even imagine what sort of world they will live in as young adults, parents and working Americans. But after today...I'm hopeful.

God Bless America. God Bless our President Barak H. Obama!